
statement of the problem started out as a 1-day recollection for youth.  after it, we hope that the youth would gather as a church. has created waves in the parish. that 1-day program opened for the creation of a youth ministry.  but it needs (demand), a sustainable program that would sustain the youth as members of the church. program forms young people into young disciples and followers of Jesus.  though it's still in process to look for common elements of discipleship in a catholic, we also need to utilize these elements  using the catechism of the catholic church to apply discipleship to young people. 

pansamatala, using the pcp II, we need to unveil the heart of a Filipino disciple as uncovered by Bishop Bacani to apply them to young people.

the best primary source of discipleship is still the bible, more particularly St. Luke who blossoms discipleship with a community of disciples.  this is seconded by PCP II as summarized by Bishop Bacani in his book, "The Filipino disciple". 

I will have to test this program on a youth ministry in the diocese of Pasig to check whether the youth are actually converting themselves into a community of disciples.

the statement: create a youth program, into a community of young disciples of Jesus.


the method is both inductive and deductive; deductive because we are giving reference to time-tested principles.  but we need to apply them to young in terms of applied systems to young people.  we would need experimentation or comparison with existing parish youth programs which the youth identify with. researching for these actual practices, we would come up with programs easily applicable to young people in today's generation.

the references are on Pope Francis' Christus Vivit and the pcp II on youth ministry  highlights the development of youth.

we need to explore the themes of st. Luke (limitation) on discipleship.

we need to explore PCP II on discipleship and how they imply to the youth.

We need to explore Bishop Bacani's document of Filipino Catholic to come up with a program for youg people on discipleship.

Using the experiences of young people we need to apply the principles of discipleship in their level.

if is bible based and church teaching based disciples, and the youth are invited to be disciples, then, is an effective program for the youth. using the outline of the discipleship program.

scope and limitations

we will use the direction of christus vivit to develop this growth module. 

bible and pcp II on the youth are  further sources.

we are looking for common elements helpful to the formation of the youth by which the modules are based and are formulated.

content of discipleship

the Book is entitled: the discipleship course
probably, we can start with the experience of the disciples as they were called by Jesus

called by Jesus
our busy world
yet, someone calls us
to follow him
to come and see

learned from Jesus
father, son, holy spirit

tested by Jesus
reality of sin

redeemed by Jesus
raised to life,
passion, death, and resurrection

filled by Jesus with the Holy Spirit
what or who is the Holy Spirit

sent by Jesus
graduation day, ready to transform the world
called to be a church in communion
participation - in the sharing of charisms
gave witness to Jesus till the end of life
social apostolate
social transformation
kingdom of heaven

Mary, mother of the Church

survey of materials

Bishop Bacani on discipleship

1. meaning
2. how it is practiced today
3. jesus as the master
4. mary as the disciple
5. the filipino disciple
6. christ in Filipino religiosity
7. love, the mark of a disciple
8. disciple and suffering
9. fidelity
10. Philippines a disciple-nation

PCP II on the youth ministry

1. there is a situation of neglect among the youth - exposed to armed conflicts, working and exploited, out of school, exploited by sin and vice, illegal recruitment, run-aways, neglected by their parents, physically abused.  and the Lord said, "come to me." (pcp II, p. 131) YOUTH SITUATION
2. they are the future but we haven't invested enough (neglect), in terms of health care and education (ibid)  NEGLECTED BY THE CHURCH AND HOME
3. youth can raise social consciousness, vanguard of cause-oriented organizations and active in social apostolate (to be contested).  the point is they need support and encouragement to enable apostolate.  pcp II declared a preferential apostolate for children and youth. (ibid). 
4. they are resource for evangelization (p. 219, pCP II). 
5. hungry for Christ and the Word (to be contested).  but accepted that they need to be evangelized (as all of us are) (ibid.)  YOUTH ARE BOTH EVANGELIZED AND EVANGELIZERS
6. Christ must be proclaimed to them as Lord, svior, teacher, the goal and fulfillment of their lives, son of God who emptied himself, came to serve not to be served, a broth on the way to the father, and challenges us to love as he loved by the power of the holy spirit. (ibid). (module of Christological part). 
7.  how to be evangelizers - youth follow their peers (principle); prepares them for the apostolate, in their youthfulness, they should be involved in a parish or transparochial apostolate and given due training, given a place in parish council, and form parish, diocesan, and national youth councils.
8.  well-trained campus ministers for school settings; chaplains for out-of-school youth from the priests should result in vocation to priesthood and religious life and emergence of lay leaders among them. (ibid).
9.  youth should be given highest priority in the church (p. 248), 
10.  to be involved in parish and diocesan life
11. create a youth center, a diocesan pastoral youth program, authentic christian spirituality, become involved in socio-economic and political action for social transformation in line with the social teachings of the church
12.  cbcp resolutions on youth, catechesis for out-of-school youth; those in difficult situations like street children, migrants, and those in crisis, (248)


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